
Voice Over Acting für The Amelia Podcast

Ich freue mich sehr, in einer Episode der 5. Staffel des preisgekrönten Audio Drama Podcasts „THE AMELIA PROJECT“ als Gast vertreten zu sein.

Bis es soweit ist, könnt ihr die ersten 4 Staffeln überall dort genießen, wo es Podcasts gibt. Mehr Info zum Projekt gibt es hier: https://ameliapodcast.com

WHAT IS THE AMELIA PROJECT: The Amelia Project is a dark comedy podcast about a secret agency offering a very special service: Faking its clients‘ deaths and bringing them back with a new identity! Its eccentric clientele includes cult leaders, scientists, politicians and even an AI, all desperate to disappear and start over… But how long can the secrecy last?

The Amelia Project is crammed full of comedy, mystery, twists and fine beverages. If you like Sherlock, Dirk Gently or Monty Python, this will be your cup of cocoa.

The show is produced by Imploding Fictions and written and directed by Philip Thorne and Øystein Ulsberg Brager. Music and sound direction by Fredrik S. Baden. Graphic design by Anders Pedersen.

It stars Alan Burgon, Julia C. Thorne, Julia Morizawa and Hemi Yeroham.